Management of Habitat:

Settings back succession :

Succession is the periodic evolvement of plant or animal species to make thier communities establish over a due presence of disturbances. In simple term we can say that succession is that phenomenon which occurs to make a plant or animal community replenish or get achieved the status of pioneer and establish as stable community.

It is a cyclic process where one plant or animal community starts their life cycle when no one is there in a purely new area and slowly slowly becoming the stable community or pioneer of that new area or existing area. Succession is somewhat related to the word success for the sake of understanding of the concept. In a sequence of succession the pioneer species may replaced by other species species to rich the climax scene.

There are some disturbances which influence the process of succession and create a set back or hurdles for stabilization of a community and this is termed as ‘setting back succession’ . This disturbance can caused by natural action or by anthropogenic action. Among all the disaster for setting back succession forest fire is common form of disturbance. Considering the natural way of fire in forest such as by lightening, atmospheric temperature and dryness,wind speed,level of moisture in soil and other atmospheric causes includes friction of bamboos swaying (movement) due high wind velocity and rolling of stones creates spark in highly inflammable leaf litter on forest floor. Man made causes of fire like naked flame,cigarette or biddi and electric spark are also responsible for create hurdles in succession but it is also to be noted that after the disturbance there is a chance of secondary succession to occurs as some plants which get survived from fire may starts their life cycle to achieve the stability and climax.

Grazing logging :

Grazing and logging are two types of mechanical treatment which reduces the wild vegetation. Grazing is a method of roaming of livestock to consume wild vegetation as per their needs and inturn to produce the beneficial products for human use. Whereas logging too reduces the wild vegetation at a higher rate. Logging is nothing but cutting down of trees for various purposes may be for commercial purposes or non-commercial purposes. Rest in commercial purposes trees are cutting down for making furniture, cooking, wood products and to make shelter for various purposes. Unrestricted logging and exploitation cause degradation of forest ecosystem.

In both the cases the forest ecosystem get deteriorated and to well manage this insight of periodic or continuous planning should required. There are various systems to manage the sustainable forage production without harming the vegetation in largescale. Let us first discuss the grazing system which improve sustainable forage production.

I) Continuous Grazing :

In continuous grazing system livestock are allowed to graze upon the land throughout the year.

II) Seasonal Grazing :

In seasonal grazing system livestock are allowed to graze in a particular season to leave the vegetation for growth.

III) Rotational Grazing :

In rotational grazing system the forage land is divided into several grazing zone and allowed the livestock in each grazing periodically or sequentially. This methods helps in production of new forages within the rest period.

By considering the logging management system there is no such well practised logging methods are present, but logging can be divided into two categories.

i) Selective logging :

In selective logging,only worthy, valuable trees are purposefully cutting.

ii) Clear – cutting :

Clear – cutting is not a selective process; where all types of trees are cutting down for use; which may threat to the forest.

Mechanical Treatment :

Among all types of mechanical treatment to manage the habitat, fire can be considered as one of the major concern to keep habitat healthy. So here let’s discuss about fire as mechanical treatment.

Periodic fire treatment is necessary for natural resources of forest otherwise trees getting stressed by overcrowding, increase the chance of hazardous flammable fuels which may cought fire at uncontrolled manner, species depends upon fire get disappear. Therefore to manage this problem there has been a periodic prescribed fires taken place to conserve the ecosystem with well manage planning.

Mechanical treatment balance the ecosystem along with its surrounding as human community i.e. ;

i) It reduces the probability of catastrophic fire.

ii) Helps in maintaining and restoring the health of ecosystem.

iii) Protect human communities.

As assists with fire treatment other tools are also helpful for mechanical treatment i.e. hand tools like chainsaw and rakes; large machine like bulldozers and wood chippers. This treatment can be used alone or with prescribed burning. Through this process management team can aware about the projection of fire in a treated area, getting know about the behaviour of wildlife, so that when actual catastrophe come, it will be less destructive, less costly and easier to control.

2 Comments to “Management of Habitat:”

  1. Nice detailed approach and a keen prospective

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