Preservation of general genetic diversity :

The preservation of general genetic diversity is very much essential for humanbeing itself as compared to other creatures, because ultimately human acting a main role to maintain equilibrium by its knowledge and wisdom though other creatures may not have this capacity.

For preservation the two key aspects which has to be taken for granted as investment and the financial backup. It is necessary to sustain and maintain agriculture, forestry, and fisheries production for future need. Other needful aspects are providing raw material for scientific and pharmaceutical industries for further innovation.

Due to lack of knowledge about control of biosphere unknowingly and some times knowingly we are less obliged to keep our environment more friendly. So it is worthy to be prudent or concerned about cause of extinction.

Though day-by-day different strain of harmful agent evolve which overcoming the resistant of crops, plants, livestock and aquatic animals, therefore it is necessary to focus on the breeding programme which include the domesticated varities of crop, plants, livestock and aquatic animals and thier related wild varities to make them last long as much as possible. So it can be one of the method to preserve thier genetic varities.

You may have come across a word called Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) which is a gift of biotechnology to mankind. The process involves extraction, incorporation and production of GMO by utilising the organism’s genetic material. Another method is the use of reservoir for upcoming distress and disaster, beacuse reservoir help a lot to replenish of lost happened during natural calamities, though we have no control over environmental disaster.

We should also aware about exotic species invasion and overexploitation. By observing the sensitivity of crops, plants, livestock and other forest products we may choose the better scalability of combine or mix production otherwise it may be harmful for older species by invasion of allien one. On the other way overexploitation also make a hurdles in survival of species. As the time passed by increasing demand and evolving of new disease strain the crops, livestock, aquatic products and plants get reduced and during such situation if there is no check points or prohibition occurs upon overexploitation then rightly it would be red signal for species survival and thier early preservation of genetic diversity, therefore overexploitation should be stop as much as possible.

4 Comments to “Preservation of general genetic diversity :”

  1. can i get unit 3 plzzz as soon as possible

    1. Sure, but it takes time..plz corporate with us, Thank you.

  2. Plz provide information about Biotelemetry: Care of injured and diseased animal


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    1. Ok, we will make that happen but it require time.

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